Life Is Love ... Reviews
When reading Tom's poetry, I have the sense that deep feelings and thoughts are entering what might otherwise (on the surface), appear to be just an everyday scene. This keeps me reading and allows his poetry to, as a whole or complete verse, lift off the page towards me. And I like this freshness and also all subject matter, as often from a few simple ideas profound meanings emerge.
—Sue Fihelly

Life Is ... Reviews

The handsome guy on the front cover inviting the reader to partake in a feast of illustrations. Thank you, Tom. I shall treasure this little tome.
—Ron Phillips
Love the poetry, summing up much of what goes on.
—Marilynne and Julien Cahn
I particularly liked the odes to your Mum and granddaughter.
—Mieke Brandon
I have been reading some of the poems each night. Much enjoying them.
—Steve Savage.
Such a rewarding read-proved unputdownable. The portrait on the cover, along with the content between the covers. Thank you so much for sharing your light. Many congratulations, well might you go on giving us the benefit of your caring, loving spirit.
—Meher Isaacs
As ever I am in tears before I even get to the second page. Your writing is so beautiful it just goes straight to the heart. As ever, I weep a little more when I read the last poem/tribute to your mum. So special as are all the original painting works of your dad. Just love it! So important and uplifting to read.
—Tanya Heaslip
Congratulations. What a beautiful addition to your library of books.
—Eves Schmid
Thank you for sharing your wonderful poetic thoughts with us!! We have just begun reading them but can say that we truly enjoyed them so far!
—Dina and Bob Lauer
I love your work. It was wonderful reading through your poems. I love how the thread of kindness permeates through some of your poems. I often say to my students “in the end only kindness matters” Keep putting your inspirational messages out there.
—Teresa Maguire-Sandford
In his fourth publication, Tom Stodulka AM brings to you Life Is…: Forty poems of freedom, fortitude and friendship to give the reader moments of reflection and gratitude; for you to fill in the space of what Life Is…. Life Is…: Forty poems of freedom, fortitude, and friendship is an incredible and unique anthology book that needs to be read by everyone as everyone will be able to relate/adore the words laced throughout Life Is…. Some poetry books move you more than usual and this was that book for me as its poems laced throughout Life Is…were truly captivating and moving and will make you examine your life. Life Is…made me fall in love with poetry all over again and I am so thankful to the author Thomas Stodulka for this! Many poetry books can be overly complicated and do not tell a concise message but Life Is…does just this as it is a story of life and our experiences
Life Is…is a phenomenal collection of unique and moving poems written by Thomas Stodulka that will take its readers on a transfixing, inspiring, and thought-provoking journey from start to finish. The reader in Life Is…will be greeted with many poems that can only be described as inspiring, poignant, hard-hitting, and brilliant as the poems throughout this anthology explore everyday life and everybody will be able to relate and feel inspired by them. The anthology book will be particularly inspiring to those looking for the beauty in everything, looking to overcome adversity and continue forward with their life, finding meaning and beauty along the way. Therefore Life Is… is truly a brilliant and honest collection of poems that explore friendship, freedom, and more and makes you reflect on your own life and your own personal journey and I believe every reader will be able to relate and resonate with many of the poems and become invested!
The poems laced throughout Life Is…are exceptional, original, and transfixing. As I read Life Is…, I found myself engrossed in every poem from beginning to end, and when I would finish reading one I would find myself reading two, even three more times! That is the power of this poetry book and it is all thanks to its raw nature, and the phenomenal words courtesy of Thomas Stodulka.
To conclude my thoughts on the incredible Life Is…, I would say this collection of poems is sensational, beautiful, and mesmerizing! That is why I have no choice but to award this book five stars. So be sure to have a read of the preview below and support the author Thomas Stodulka; he certainly deserves it!
Thank you so much for reading book lovers! I appreciate it so much.
Goodbye for now book lovers,
P.S. Below I have attached some links about the author and this wonderful book so if you would like to learn more about the author and the book then please have a browse. Thank you so much again for reading book lovers!
Amazon AU Author: Website – Angus & Robertson – Barnes & Noble – Booktopia
—Aimee Ann - The Red Headed Book Lover
The two poems I am reading are Another Day, Show me the Way and Friendship-A Gift to Enjoy. Plenty of greatness in them, but I am also reading through the lines.
—Justin Bergelin October 2023
Many thanks Tom for sending me your book of poetry. All a delight-it's amazing how you find and put together so much new work-all with a freshness and candid observation of life and living. Am still reading and enjoying it.
—Sue Fihelly October 2023
I like your new book a lot.
—Bill Featherstone October 2023
I am going to enjoy reflecting on the message of your beautiful poetry.
—Joan Gilbert October 2023
Thank you for your wonderful book of poems. As soon as I received it I read the tribute to your Mum and then Navigating Tough Times-they brought a tear to my eyes. I needed a bit of a cry. I had better not take it on the train. The art work is also beautiful.
—Donna Read October 2023
Being from South America, I found your writing enjoyable, different and cool, capturing the Australian landscape and lifestyle. I loved it, especially because it was my first Aussie book.
—Lucas Fernandes, Brazil, November 2023
Thank you very much for your poetry book. It has been very useful given the things I am doing.
—Michael Keogh November 2023
Love the poetry summing up much of what goes on.
—Sir Julien Cahn and Lady Marilynne Cahn December 2023
Keep up your wonderful creative poetry.
—Peter Richard-Herbert December 2023
I thoroughly enjoyed Life is... and couldn't put it down till I'd finished. What a year in Queensland and many thoughts of your darling mother. So wonderful that her spirit lives in you and your poetry.
—Genevieve Johnston December 2023
The front cover was obviously " Life is... .... a smile". What a great portrait capturing your enthusiasm and joy for life.. Underneath the smile, the poems remind me of your sharp brain melding together your extensive experiences, old and new, observing, analysing and then using your wordsmith skills to produce these wonderfully concise, relevant and thought-provoking poems. Your poem "The New Year Kicks Off", on the surface, to me at least, could be just a jumble of thoughts at the beginning of the year, perhaps considering resolutions for the year ahead. But then the thoughts of life and death (where am I in that timeline.....luckily or unluckily we do not know....will I go down that rabbit hole?? and then "pray for the end of all wars" leads me to John Lennon's "Imagine" (one of my favourite and most powerful songs.... what if he were still with us ??
and "fly high with a dove".
So many side tracks to go down from daily issues and tasks to the deepest and meaningful.
—Colin Yeates, December 2023
'We have really enjoyed your great little book. Your deep sense of wisdom, together with your sensitivity overlays all aspects of life that you have written about".
—Margie and Col January 2024
I have never read much poetry; however, I found this book to be very enjoyable. If not for Tom asking me to read this book, perhaps I never would have read any poetry or given it a fair try. However, now I think I will need to add this new genre to my regular reading list. I will start with Tom's other books, since I enjoyed this one so much. A great read! Highly recommended.
—Troy Cooper, Thailand, January 2024
My partner and I sat up last night after her shift reading your poems. Your words are amazing and truly touching, especially the poem for your late mother. We are sorry for your loss, but you're truly a special human and a gentleman. I hope to see you again for a chat, because it was an amazing encounter. With much love.
—Phillip and Abbie January 2024
I have your books in my bedroom and reflect upon them often. Just wonderful. I loved "Anzac Day 2023", "Time Out after a Hard Day at the Office", "Be Yourself, Don't Pretend", "Counting the Score", "A Little Girl Heaven Sent", "When There is Nothing Left...., "Reflections" and "These Very Old Walls and Their Stories". I enjoyed them very much.
—Jordan Kirk, January 2024
I have enjoyed reading your book "Life is..." I love the way you can capture a seemingly "ordinary" moment and put into words what one could be thinking or feeling, in the deepest sense, at that very instance. Whatever it is that inspired you to write about it in the first place, seems to shine through in your words. Many of your poems have resonated with me such as:
A Long Life Run; Be United, Harmony Wins; Life Itself-To Be Continued; Friendship-A Gift to Enjoy; Be Yourself-Don't Pretend; When Love is Broken; Today's Troubled Youth; Life is...; Wattle in Winter; The Wattle Keeps Giving.
Your final poem in honour of your mum, really captured your sorrow, but at the same time the wonderful blessing of having had her as your mum.
Beautiful. I saw a quote the other day that reminded me of your writing: "Schrijven is fotograferen met potlood" That means: "Writing is photography with a pencil".
—Audrey Van Duuren February 2024
I feel the wings of your words sit gently on my soul. (Humility Never Hurt Anyone from "Life is a Drama, Be Calmer")
—Vicki Wood, June 2024

Life Is A Drama Reviews
Fran Keys (July 2022)
Have been reading your book of poetry tonight Tom. It's magical. I love your glass half full positivity and playfulness running throughout. I also like the COVID reflections and Eckhart Tolle quote.
Maree and Neville Bradshaw, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand (June 2022)
We enjoy reading your poems many times. I have some favourites:
If it will brighten someone’s day, say it 6 July 2016 (you have)
A Reminder to Enjoy the Little Things in Life 25 May 2021 (only they’re the big things, aren’t they?)
And the very touching A Smashed Face 24 March 2015
Thank you Tom, you have a lovely way of pulling the heart strings and lining them back up to assist the head.
Sheik Mohammed Mehdi (April 2022)
Your poetry is unique, it is laid back, warm and uplifting, a bit of what Australia was meant to be. I enjoyed the Refugee from Afar, but as for the fair go, we are still pursuing it. Although your initial poems were pre-COVID, they were applicable today; Wattle to Cheer Your Heart, is another example of how the world is repetitious and how vulnerable we all are.

Sonia Isaacs Clark (April 2022)
With Life is a Drama, Be Calmer Tom once again turns his insightful lens towards acknowledging everyday observations and experiences that inspire, console and capture a deeper sense of the human experience we all share. In an ever-changing world, his reflective musings often provide a gentle road map towards joy, delivered with his unique blend of humility, compassion and hope.
Bob Baldwin (April 2022)
Tom, thank you so much for your book of poems which arrived today. I have read quite a number already and have very much enjoyed them. It is great to read uplifting poetry—it really strikes a chord. Take care.
Speedy McGinness (March 2022)
Hello, my very good friend. You are the person who got me hooked on poetry. love to you and family.
Ros Byrne (March 2022)
Thank you SO much for your book. As I said on the phone just now, your beautiful writing brought me to tears. You have a wonderful ability to convey such a breadth of emotions in your writings—what a talent! I have a sister in Victoria who would like to read your book and experience the sentiments that it evokes. Can you please send me another copy?
Dr Rachael Field (January 2022)
I was very lucky to be the winner of your book—it was the best prize of the three. I've read many of the poems and you are an amazing poet and storyteller! It's a real privilege to have a signed copy—thank you!

Letter from the PM Scott Morrison
Ron Phillips (January 2022)
Your treatment of COVID, the drought, and ultimately the rains, as in Mackellar's poem, 'the drumming of an army, the steady soaking rain' is embodied beautifully.
Nicholas Stodulka (January 2022)
Hey Tom, I really love reading one of your poems everyday with breakfast. A great start for the day.
Professor Khory McCormick (December 2021)
Very thought-provoking. An enjoyable read. Congratulations.
Tanya Heaslip (December 2021)
"I see important themes revisited-the need for hope, rain, life and love in this mad and crazy world-and to feel lighter. Tom's words remind us to go deep into our core, to our soul, and to find gratitude and joy for the small things."
Haydn Parsons, author and poet
Some readers choose a book based on its reputation, the author, or the publishing house. This is certainly true for me. Life is a Drama, Be Calmer by author Tom Stodulka AM, with assistance from Ocean Reeve Publishing, deliver another pocketbook poetry for life that is timely and timeless in nature. Life is a Drama, Be Calmer takes the reader on a journey into noticing the gift of each present moment. In these precious moments, discoveries of kindness, hope, and resilience are discovered with each poem. The author’s poetry is fuel for the everyday, refreshingly honest and wise. Tom Stodulka brings to life the everyday encounters of living in uncertain times with COVID 19, providing hope and inspiration for the reader. I highly recommend Life is a Drama, Be Calmer by author Tom Stodulka AM. This Pocketbook is 84 Pages of life-giving elixir to find hope and inspiration in uncertain times.
Paul Hogan 2022
Always inspiring.
Jo Dahlmeier 2022
Our daughter Kat has chosen Love and its idiosyncrasies for her wedding. We all love it
—Jo Dahlmeier 2022
Linda Henderson 2022
This lovely poetry book is being read in Napier, Hawkes Bay. Appreciated
—Linda Henderson 2022
Siegi Huttner 2022
Your book is beautiful, and I love the paintings of your father. Thank you.
Julie Chalmers 2022
I got your delightful book! Thanks so much. I am thoroughly enjoying your poems. Poignant, insightful snapshots of a troubled time in our recent history…..And the illustrations are so beautiful. Thank you so much.
Maylene Mole 2022
I am pleased to say your book arrived yesterday. I will be making a cup of tea sitting in a cool breeze while I enjoy some pensive but hopeful reading.
Thank you again
Judith Hermann
Poetry from Thomas’ soul. I felt such compassion for us all as I read and I sensed you had a personal investment in cheering up and encouraging as many as read this lovely book. I think you are a great humanitarian Thomas. It is our pleasure to know you.
Karen Toohey
Ohhhh Tom!!!! I have received the loveliest book from you and this is so very much appreciated! Thank you ever, ever so much. I have it next to my bed and yes, it does calm me. Thank you for thinking of me. Much love sent.
Tanya Heaslip
So thrilled to have a copy of Life is a Drama-Be Calmer. Your writing is so important, poignant and hopeful. Thank you! Hope you keep writing.
Justin Bergelin, poet
Tom Stodulka is a fantastic poet. He is a great humanitarian whose style and themes are his own expression of our collective whole. His unbridled passion to explore and understand our mysteries and truths is truly refreshing, revealing, and reassuring. To read Tom’s poetry is like a front row seat—or even a backstage pass—to a level of grace and gratitude to the joys, difficulties and hopes we all experience.
John Dearn, author
This companion uplifts as only the poet is able to do. It connects the reader to their soul as it illuminates the author’s. Reading it also opens a door into the hidden depths of the human psyche and offers the rare opportunity to connect with the essence of what it is to be human.
Linda Henderson
Again, Tom creates hope from the dramas of life, with a timeless message relating to heart's reactions and distractions, natures relentless bane and beauty, and insight into Tom's loved family and people. Generational blessings in each poem to store in your heart, and take on your day ahead, to give away. Or keep.
Rupert McCall OAM
Tom Stodulka writes his poetry from a very special place. He has lived life and travelled the world enough to know what is important and what is not so important. It reflects in the spirit of his words – sentiments of humanity, humility and hope. When you allow yourself to float calmly on the wisdom of his tide, the path in front of you will most likely contain a lot less drama! Instead, the happiness of a treasured past will merge beautifully into the brightness of a future star and you might even find yourself smiling... and it’s much to do with that special place – the one that inspires him to be hopeful and passionate and kind. The one that beats inside him as he writes his poetry. His heart...
Jen Compton, author
Life is a Drama is a Pandora’s Box. Tom observes the pain of the world and yet his optimistic insistence that we can turn things around through respect, kindness, resilience, and hope is compelling.
Vicki Wood (June 2024)
There is something pure and touching in this poem that my heart smiles with every word. (The Smile from "Life is a Drama, be Calmer")
I feel the wings of your words sit gently on my soul. (Humility Never Hurt Anyone from "Life is a Drama, Be Calmer")
Judy (August 2024)
Hello Tom, I thought that you would be interested and delighted to know that I have just had a call from an ex-Navy friend of mine. She belongs to a Canberra Book Club and they recently had a Poetry Day. One of the poems read was your Show Some Patience and Try to be Kind (8 Jan 2019 Life is a Dance, Page 28). All the attendees loved it. I had made a comment about your book of poetry, so when she saw my name in the comments section, she rang me to tell me about how much they appreciated your poem. I thought that you would like to know.

Life's A Dance Reviews
Helen Miedzinski (September 2021)
Thank you so much for your lovely book. You are truly such an inspiring person, a kind, gentle soul always thinking of others. Poetry speaks to the heart, thank you once again for sharing. All the best.
Gil Boehm (September 2021)
Excited today to receive your wonderful book, thanks to my friend Ian Payne. A glow of light in this lockdown land!
Nicole Ash (March 2021)
Tom you are an absolute pleasure to work alongside. You are wise, kind, insightful and most wonderfully your joy is infectious. This all comes through in your poetry, thank you for continuing to share the joy. I feel very lucky to have worked with you and now to have read your poetry. I hope that others enjoy Life is a Dance as much as I continue to.
Chico Wilson (July 2020)
I love every page. The poem about kindness especially.

Christiaan Williams (September 2020)
One of the delights of a Tom Stodulka book of poetry is opening it up at a random page, to be met with another softly spoken gem. Sometimes about roads, sometimes about flowers, sometimes about “life”. Always about the human experience of all of the above. The bonus is the selection of the exquisite paintings by his father, Zdeny. Beautifully complementary. Thank you Tom.
Michelle Heynen (September 2020)
You are most definitely a positive influence in my life at the moment being in hospital and not being allowed visitors as all hospitals are on lockdown
Jen Compton (October 2020)
Tom’s just released his latest book of beautifully uplifting poems, Life is a Dance.
Linda Henderson (October 2020)
On the success of Life is a Dance, that was a given. I hope that work does not impede the continuation of the poet within. I found a book of Norman Lindsay’s poems in a lovely little book shop in Hastings over the weekend and the rhyme and banter in his style, reminded me of you.
Faye Perfrement (Oct 2020)
I love your book and I just sent my sister’s copy to her for her birthday
Jen Compton (October 2020)
So many people are noticing your book Tom Stodulka! It’s wonderful to think that something that brought you much joy is having such a positive impact on others. Go you!!
Delcy Lagones de Anglim (November 2020)
Thank you dear Tom, you bring so much hope with your words
Don Gilbert (November 2020)
Good positive stuff Tom
Christiaan Williams (December 2020)
Your beautifully gentle personality and poems are reaching out to family and friends as we speak. May you continue to grace the world with your deeply gentle wisdom and insights for many years to come.
Greg Haughey (January 2021)
Tom, congratulations on your sales. You are in one hell of a creative groove. Bob Dylan should be shaking in his boots!!
Christiaan Williams (January 2021)
Beautiful Tom. I am pleased I have contributed to your book selling out and the feedback I am receiving from those who have been given an unexpected copy for Christmas has been a delight.
Sandy Coulson (February 2021)
Tom, what great words. They are inspirational, as is your poem.
Steve Asker (February 2021)
I believe you are such a beautiful soul. I think the world needs many more of you.
Linda Henderson (February 2021)
Congrats on Book 3, Life is a Drama. Great title Tom.
Bill - 2 September 2018
Wonderful poems with real feeling. There is a new way to experience the everyday and the unusual.
Stephen Harris - 2 June 2018
I had the good fortune to meet Tom Stodulka once five years ago on a plane, just for an hour or so. I've never forgotten his kind, positive, and intelligent approach to thins as reflected by his conversations that day. When I heard he had written this book of poetry, I had to buy my copy.
Sitting in the sun with a cup of tea, this little book transported me to simple and beautiful things in life. And, some provocative thoughts on struggled and the tougher side of Australiana.
The writing is real and light with the titles of the poems like 'If it will brighten someone's day, say it" and maybe harder titles like 'on ageing and death" then swoops back with 'On beauty and Life'. I was saddened, surprised, uplifted, and like the title suggests I found my 'Silver Linings".
A lovely book, well worth the read, with a cup of tea.
John Marsden - 31 August 2020
Just a note of gratitude to say thank you very much for the book. It’s beautifully done! The cover, the paper and printing are excellent, and the photo on the front is an absolute ripper. I must say, with some envy, that you look barely 50 years old! Maybe something magical happens to people who write poems-they grow younger with each stanza they compose. I do like the poems very much, and I was moved by the many comments you have quoted in the middle of the book.
Linda Henderson
I agree with John Marsden. Unique and powerful. Timeless jewels. And the poems aren’t bad either. Words of poetry from the caring soul of Mr Stodulka touch hearts across time. Keep writing and stay young, that’s quite a recipe for life. My brother Shad who you met is reading your poems at the moment………the first poem he has read in his life…His comments floor me. He had put little notes on each page he liked. Beautiful reaction from the farmer.
Ms Jacinda Euler Principal BGGS
In this challenging year, your poetry is a gentle reminder to pause, reflect and appreciate the special moments in life.
Judy Horobin
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your poems. They evoke emotions not only of joy, but also of poignancy. Once I started reading them, I couldn’t put them down. I also loved seeing some of your father’s paintings again. What a lovely idea. Life certainly is a Dance.
Glen Gray
I have now read some of the writings in your book and found many of them memorable and very moving. ….. I will treasure reading it over and over.
Dr Bruce Addison Deputy Principal (Academic) BGGS
I used a lovely quote of yours….It really resonated with me and it resonated with our community too. It is lovely to have your book in the School.
Tanya Heaslip
Just received your poetry Tom. Now it is my turn to be emotional. I am deeply moved by what you’ve observed over the years. So inspiring.
Today, I really needed some words of wisdom and somehow I picked your book up and then the answers came to me. After reading ‘Change and your future’, I wanted to email you, for that is what I needed to know at this very moment. I’m sure that this will be a great source of enlightenment for many people as it is already one of mine. Thank you once again Tom.
Fran Keyes
A beautiful man Tom Stodulka. Loved your poems
Khory McCormick 28 February 2019
I have just placed Storm Clouds & Silver Linings- My Journey on the table. To turn its pages is in an eclectic yet connected way that I hear a voice- a calming & thoughtful resonating thread of caring & of love for others & the wider world. It is a voice seeking expression, the voice of Tom's soul, the reception of which challenges each reader to provide an unfiltered honest personal response. The honest innocence of that voice precipitates unguarded reflection in a reader, or at least it did in me.
Lisa F and 10 year old son Brodie F 10 June 2018
Young Brodie is reading aloud your beautiful and thought provoking poetry book. He has been most impressed and decided to look up your digital footprint. He tells me that you are an Icon. God bless; thank you for sharing your book and yourself. You are an inspiration.
Georgie G 18 June 2018
I have been reading your poems and am enjoying them immensely. They are easy to “be in”
So often I find poetry a bit tricky, but yours seem to be a clear reflection on life-beautifully written. Thank you. Our common ground of the mediation poems felt so familiar, as if I could have written them. Congratulations Tom! What an achievement.
Linda H 17 June 2018
Tom Stodulka’s book is ready to show off to the world. Tom’s unique questioning of this world and transparent love of all around him soaks through each page of this new book. His poems melt your heart and warm your soul and in turn makes you ask questions. They are also very entertaining. His choice to add his father’s paintings to the book of poems is delightful.
James L 17 June 2018
You’re a very interesting man with a heart of gold Tom.
Will be nice to spend some time amongst your thoughts. Well done on the book; amazing accomplishment! Very proud to call you friend.
Joanna K 8 May 2018
Your kindness and humanity just shine. I wish your book great success.
John H 11 May 2018
A lovely contribution to human consciousness.
Faye A 19 June 2018
It is just so fantastic!!! I will truly treasure this book. You are really very talented. And I appreciate so much receiving a signed copy, signed by the author. I feel truly privileged.
Joanna L 19 June 2018
It’s absolutely delightful. I thank you for putting your thoughts into such inspiring and authentic words.
Bill F 14 June 2018
They are beautiful. Congrats on the book. It’s a treasure.
Chris H 19 June 2018
The reason I am in Perth is because of your Smile poem, which I messaged to a friend on the other side of the world on the Baltic Sea. She responded “that is a beautiful poem…. I am speechless”
Diane S 19 June 2018
Thanks so much Tom for my own personal book of poems, they are just a delight to read.
Rhonda W 16 June 2018
I am so happy I bought your book of poetry. What a brilliant creative talent you have and so good of you to share it with us.
Ros B 15 June 2018
I read you proems last night and was moved to tears in some cases-your ability to convey emotions is a real gift.
Ron P 9 June 2018
I have read your 62 pages bringing forth great feelings of love of country…empathy… nostalgia…and faith in the indomitable human spirit…the lines on your 93 year old mother brought tears to my eyes….your father’s paintings are just beautiful.
Ron P 15 March 2018
Your poems are not abstract or pseudo/intellectual…you have expressed your integrity and heart-felt thoughts and emotions through them. I look forward to the book. I have enjoyed reading your poetry out aloud as I do to get the full resonance. “The Stars Await”
Janet F 12 June 2018
I must tell you how much I am enjoying your wonderful book of poetry. I read and relish a couple of pages each day. I can’t tell you how evocative your words are and how much they resonate with many of my own experiences. Having the privilege to know your beloved Dad, and the joy in adoring your gorgeous mother adds an even richer dimension to your words and your Dad’s brilliant art work.
Michelle G 12 June 2018
Congratulations on your book, it is fantastic! I have started reading it and I am blown away by how good it is, you are so talented.
Bill A 9 June 2018
I have received the book and started! WOW.
You’re amazing young man!
Michael H 10 June 2018
I think it’s a wonderful piece of work and have decided to order more for gifts. You certainly have a wonderful way of capturing the moment and then being able to express it….I love it!
Judy H 7 June 2018
I particularly like “An Ode to Kindness”
Thank you so much for your kindness in giving me such a wonderful gift.
Linda H 1 June 2018
Your words of your poems hang in my heart like a sign post. Your insight flows through your words and paints pictures or puts that bolt of loveliness through the thoughts.
Mark B 5 June 2018
I appreciate the Kindle down load, already read a couple of your works and so proud to have read your poems and to have your friendship over this many years.
John Campbell 3 June 2018
I have read Storm Clouds and Silver Linings-My Journey and what a pleasant experience that was! I particularly enjoyed The very old walls and their stories. The imagery of the old building mixed with what we have done (as lawyers) and do (as mediators), is profound. Tom, your smile and considerate approach to what you do, reminds me of another passage in your book-namely An Ode to Kindness. It’s so rue that a genuine smile can traverse all and can confront pain and loss. I would borrow from your own words Tom and say to you, “never lose that smile and that inner glow”. Thank you for sharing that zest for life with the reader.
Les D 28 May 2018
Thanks for the heads up linking Kindle with your eBook.
Mate this book simply confirms how talented you are! It was just sooooo Tom!
Bloody excellent.. You certainly put your heart into it.
Chris W 16 May 2018
Mum and I are both highly impressed and edified by your website and the material that you have both created and facilitated.
John M 1 June 2018
I did find time to read quite a few of your poems, which I very much enjoyed. I like the reflective, almost serene nature that they seem to have. They are thoughtful and thought provoking.
Malcolm J 11 June 2018
Book has arrived and is on my desk. You have a fine eye in observing the “human condition”. Setting this to words is genius. What a wonderful way to start the day. So glad you could share it more broadly through publishing this book.
Steven H 7 March 2018
Your poem The very old walls and their stories is fantastic and very moving.
Pre-Sale Reviews
Bill K
Tom Stodulka has brightened our lives with this collection of poems that are so full of insights and colourful perspectives. Tom’s words on paper remind the reader of the way a painter uses a canvas to get us to look at both striking images and the everyday differently. Here are scenes of summer in Brisbane, a grandmother and child and a host of topics that are accessible to all of us. Many pleasurable hours await the reader who opens up the world of the poet in this collection available for the first time.
Edgar W
I have a large mailing out list in my business and from time to time I have received wonderful heartfelt comments from my recipients of their delight in reading the poems of Thomas Stodulka. Myself it becomes a privilege to get these gems of poetry from this author! Such a talent must always be read for enjoyment!
Linda H
Some have a relatable wisdom; some have a depth on high that they can go to. Some can write perfectly perfect. It is a delightful rare mix to find all three in one vessel. Tom that is you. Keep writing, keep sharing.
Susan Hamilton-Green
I am so impressed by your poetry skills, and would love to be able to acquire a copy of your work. I love poetry and find that it is often a key to those wise messages that are too often overlooked! Somehow it takes you to a different place and looking at the world from a different angle with the results of greater insight and spiritual connection.
Katherine S
Tom's poetry is uniquely personal. A modern-day Banjo Patterson, Tom shares everyday stories with uncensored humour and deep emotion. Tom's connection to nature is almost spiritual, his insight into the human plight is borne of great compassion, and his wry political observations will have you treasuring this collection as something like a diary of our times. His words are best heard spoken by the man himself - if you get the chance to hear a poem "live" then you're in for a treat as you will be swept up in the cantering pace and intense feeling of each story. You will feel the thundering storm above you, see the heartbreak of a crumbling relationship, witness the triumph of the battler, hear the laughter of the children playing with their devoted dad. Like listening to the lyrics of a ballad, you will be mesmerised. Tom's anthology is a rare and special observation of everyday life. Not to be missed.
Louise S
The descriptive way Tom writes helps his readers create such vivid images that capture the imagination and the heart of a story. His connection to the soul of his subjects, the impact of an event, and the magnificent but sometimes harsh reality of the environment provides us a unique insight as observers, which builds empathy in this often disconnected world.
Margaret and Steve
It is such a pleasure to read Tom’s poems. They are quintessentially Australian and really capture the essence of the Queensland Summer. The delightful word-pictures clearly bring out the contrast between the endless months of dryness and the welcome, refreshing, life-giving rain.
The poems are uplifting, delivering positive messages.
Although the darker side of life and world affairs is acknowledged, there is always hope.
Tom is a keen observer of nature and truly appreciates the wonders of the natural world.
Cheryl Bryan
Tom's gift to the world is his regard for all lives being innately worthy.
Tom and his subjects are not trying to prove anything, yet through his poems he gives
honour to all and makes every experience matter.
LH, New Zealand 2019
Just for fun these poems may be and they are. Your capture of the world and people around you brings the depth and fun all together. Delightful.
BB, Canberra 2019
Hearing your words spoke straight to my heart and I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to tell you the impact it had on me.
LH, New Zealand 2019
Significant moments in life will fade, but what won’t be erased and the real purpose of Tom’s next book is there is not one other could do this, it will not exist if you don’t march towards that unique expression of speaking to hearts and stilling restless souls.
An indigenous man from Alice Springs, 2019
Your book is a reminder to me that I am on the right track of my journey. Once again thanks a lot Tom. You’ve given me an amazing gift and I’ll definitely be spreading the word of your brilliant work.
Karl Manning
Once again Tom has touched our hearts with his second book showing us his deep understanding of human nature and his experiential affinity with mother nature.
Tanya Heaslip
What a joy! Thank you so much for sending me a copy. Such beautiful and inspiring and encouraging words throughout-just what we need in these difficult times. And of course it’s so thrilling to see your dad’s beautiful paintings at the end. Cheers and thanks again!
Mick Dougall
Congratulations on a beautiful collection of words. You’re terrific.
Ron Phillips
Your poetry is maturing noticeably…strong and meaningful stanzas reach out to me and with the addition of your father’s beautiful paintings...has made your book a feast for the eyes and soul.
Some weeks ago Brisbane Girls Grammar included a few lines from Loss, Grief and Hope-An Ode to Friends and Loved Ones 16 Jan 2018 in their 15 June 2020 Newsletter @BGGS Twitter #pedagogyquoteoftheweek by Brisbane based poet Captain Tom Stodulka:
Embrace love in all its norms,
Enjoy the storms.
And the quiet and peaceful times.
Finish well, the race is being run.
And in the meantime, enjoy every moment in the sun.
We've just moved house and I thought you might like to see that your book, "Life is a Dance", has now made a home for itself between Kahlil Gibran and the Bible, Talk soon.
—Jack Ellis, January 2024
I listened to some of your sample poetry on audio from your first book. You speak with a raw honesty and your poetry offers us a way to empathise with one another and understand each other in these challenging times as you embrace vulnerability and authenticity-so thank you.
—Cheryl Woods, May 2024'
I have read your heartfelt poems. Such talent and honesty I admire.
—Robyn Simpson, Kindness Worldwide Ambassador-Australia, Founder "Choose the 'Tude", June 2024